Plant Reproduction 2022 - Registration
Registration Fees and Deadlines
Early registration has been extended to March 15, 2022.

After completing the registration, you will receive an automatically generated e-mail acknowledging submission of your registration with details for the bank transfer. If you do not receive the confirmation or in case of any issue related to registration, please send an email to: Attendance certificate and payment invoice will be available for download.
Both registration forms - in EUR and CZK - are equivalent.
Both registration forms - in EUR and CZK - are equivalent.
Early bird registration closes on March 15, 2022.
Registration Fee Includes
- Congress bag
- Congress badge
- Program and abstract book
- Admission to the scientific sessions
- Certificate of attendance
- Coffee breaks and lunches as per program
- Welcome reception
- Guided Prague City Center tour
- Registration of students and PhDs must be accompanied by a written proof of status, otherwise reduced fee will not be validated.
- On-site registration desk: registration and general information desk will be located in front of the meeting room
Abstract Book
Abstract book will be available as a PDF file for download from the conference website.
If you wish to receive a printed version, please contact the organizers via email before April 30, 2022.
If you wish to receive a printed version, please contact the organizers via email before April 30, 2022.
Conference Dinner
The conference dinner will be held in the City of Prague Mayor’s Residency (website in English Is here). The building is exceptionally rich in late Art Nouveau and Art Deco interiors.
Please note that this is a ticketed event and there is a limited number of seats available. Thus, we recommend to book early to avoid disappointment. The tickets can be booked during registration at the registration page. Extra tickets may be purchased for guests if desired.
Please note that this is a ticketed event and there is a limited number of seats available. Thus, we recommend to book early to avoid disappointment. The tickets can be booked during registration at the registration page. Extra tickets may be purchased for guests if desired.
Accommodation for Conference Participants
A limited number of rooms is reserved for conference participants in the conference venue, Hotel Pyramida, at the disounted prices. A single room is available for 112 EUR/night, a bed in a double room is available for 62 EUR/night.
Accommodation can be booked during registration at the registration page.
Accommodation can be booked during registration at the registration page.
Student Travel Awards
A limited number of student travel awards (400 EUR each) will be available to support attendance of PhD students to the conference. If you wish to receive a travel award, please apply here.
Method of Payment
We accept credit cards (Visa, Mastercard) or bank transfer.
On-site payment can be done by credit card or cash.
On-site payment can be done by credit card or cash.
Payment Confirmation
An official confirmation of registration will be e-mailed to each participant upon receipt of registration fees. Please remember to bring your proof of payment for presentation upon request.
Cancellation of Participation (a written request is mandatory)
Registered participants - who paid the registration and accommodation fees, but are unable to attend the conference – could be reimbursed as follows: a written notice of non-attendance has to be sent to the conference organizers (
All refunds will be processed after the conference. Non-appearance and onsite registrations are non-refundable.
Before February 28, 2022: 20% fees will be charged as a processing fee;
Between March 1, 2022 and May 21, 2022: 50% will be charged as a processing fee;
From May 22, 2022: no refund.
The conference organizers are observing the global travel situation closely to be able to act according to the actual development. We advise the participants to follow the news about the current situation particularly in their countries and in Central Europe before finalizing their travel plans since the organizers and IASPRR cannot be held accountable for any costs incurred in relation to the travel arrangements.
All refunds will be processed after the conference. Non-appearance and onsite registrations are non-refundable.
Before February 28, 2022: 20% fees will be charged as a processing fee;
Between March 1, 2022 and May 21, 2022: 50% will be charged as a processing fee;
From May 22, 2022: no refund.
The conference organizers are observing the global travel situation closely to be able to act according to the actual development. We advise the participants to follow the news about the current situation particularly in their countries and in Central Europe before finalizing their travel plans since the organizers and IASPRR cannot be held accountable for any costs incurred in relation to the travel arrangements.
IASPRR Membership
To become a member of the International Association of Sexual Plant Reproduction Research (IASPRR), please visit the IASPRR website
Individual, annual memberships are only 15 EUR (students) and 30 EUR (others). A lifetime membership of the society is 300 EUR. Hence, becoming a member offers immediate and significant savings when paying the Plant Reproduction 2020 registration fees. Become an IASPRR member today!
Individual, annual memberships are only 15 EUR (students) and 30 EUR (others). A lifetime membership of the society is 300 EUR. Hence, becoming a member offers immediate and significant savings when paying the Plant Reproduction 2020 registration fees. Become an IASPRR member today!
The Conference organizers (Conference Organizing Secretariat, Local Organizing Committee, International Advisory Board) cannot accept any liability or responsibility for death, illness or injury of persons or for the loss of, or damage to property or for any financial loss of any person attending the conference.
The participants should make their own arrangements in respect of health and travel insurance.
The participants should make their own arrangements in respect of health and travel insurance.